Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Blog (again)

Well its happened (again), I've started a blog (again). I guess the reason for it is that in person I want to be able to express what I'm thinking but I just can't. It's like there's a dam in my brain that's only letting a select few ideas and thoughts pass. Ooo! Or it's like they're trying to get pass airport security but they have metal on them or something.
I'd also like to meet like minded bloggers. Because of that not being able to generate thoughts well thing, I also am horrible at making small talk and keeping a conversation going. But potential friends don't need to know that so just pretend you didn't read that. Go get hypnotized if you don't like pretending. Also if you don't like pretending, why and what's wrong with you?

I'm not sure what the posts will be like but they'll revolve around things I enjoy like music, comics, television, makeup stuff like that. I might post my rantings or thoughts on an episode of Wilfred I see or something. Or maybe a makeup tutorial. Never a haul though because I never have the money for those and the stuff I buy is on the cheap Walmart side. If I get off my ass and get a job, I'll actually buy decent product though. And maybe I'll review stuff or whatever. Do people care about my opinion?

Is anyone reading this?

Is anyone alive?

Has everyone been beamed up?!

Am I the last one on earth!?

I don't think I can re-populate by myself!

I should go back to sleep I'm getting weird but not good weird like mental ward weird.♥

P.S. I have not had a computer since like June so everything will be done on mobile. So there might be some drawbacks. 

P.P.S. I'm not 100% sure what drawback means.